In the information age, competition in the labor market is difficult in an interconnected world, where job seekers, especially young people, face a demand for skills and opportunities. Togo is no exception to this new situation. Conscious of this, all actors strive to equip young people, namely students (adolescents and students) with basic knowledge in […]

Back from TechCampWA

TechcampWA 2015, organized by the U.S Embassy, Ghana and Ghana Think which brought together a hundred young social entrepreneurs was a great success. The theme, Adapt, Empower and Measure is particularly revealing. First of all, we live in a society that demands of us a great adaptation effort against the breathtaking speed at which technology […]

En avant Tsévié

Le projet Tulane Works,  invest in Togo’s Future qui vient étendre les actions d’E2C sur le territoire togolais a le vent en poupe! Des sept villes retenues pour accueillir les activités visant à promouvoir le civisme à travers des approches de proximité, ludiques,  innovantes, et des actions communautaires concrètes, l’étape de Tsévié a commencé aujourd’hui […]